Concrete Delivery

Concrete delivery has changed over the years, see this Article posted by JED Alliance Group. In the video below, we pumped a small foundation in about 2 hours total with only one guy on the hose, check it out.

This quick concrete pour would not have been possible with wheelbarrow delivery. When planning your home repair, extension, or restoration project, it’s important to make the right decision about how to deliver concrete to your project. Did you know that moving concrete in a conventional manner is not only labor intensive and time consuming, but actually costs more than hiring a concrete pumping company to help you with the concrete delivery. By the way, this might also save you from a bad back ache.
A concrete pump not only saves you hard labor, it also increases the speed at what you can get the concrete placed resulting in huge money savings for your home project. It also improves the consistency of the concrete mix and the pour ensuring higher quality.
When hiring a concrete pump, ensure with your concrete provider that the mix design is a pumpable mix. Then it is important to communicate the details of the pump mix to the concrete pumper so the appropriate machine is brought to your site. Never underestimate the importance of communicating with your concrete provider and concrete pumper to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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