Blockfill Concrete Pumping

The Concrete Pumping Enterprises team has been completing block fill concrete pumping, work on a tract-homes contract for an Orlando customer. Our operators are completing about two (9-yard) lentils per day installing the “J” bolts, straps`, cleaning the blocks, and properly caring for our equipment and the construction site.

Like most of our customers, this customer wants everything perfect with no wasted concrete from inexperienced operators. All boards and nails must be removed. Operators must be careful to not allow oil to drip onto the floor from a poorly maintained pump. And, of course, they want a drug-free company to deliver concrete pumping services. They also require all commercial insurance, umbrella liability insurance, workers compensation, and a one million dollar general liability policy. They said it had been hard for them to find a company to fulfill all of these conditions.

They called us to ask about our company. We showed them our extensive inventory of well-maintained pumps, our trained operators who know how to respect the site they are working on, as well as all of our due diligence to protect our employees and our customers with the proper insurance. We were able to secure the contract with this company that rightfully so, has unrelenting standards in its contractor hiring. We are not the cheapest concrete pumping company in the Orlando area, but we are one of the most professional companies in the market.

We continue to strive and serve our customers with the best business practices. Let us show you what we can do for your job.

Blockfill Concrete Pumping for the city of Orlando

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